In an ever-changing industry, LUVV’s innovative line of vitamin-infused inhalers are the answer to stress relief for today’s health-conscious generation.
Since 2018, e-cigarettes have become increasingly more popular among the youth generation. Celebrities like Cara Delevigne, Samuel L. Jackson, and Lady Gaga have all been spotted out on the town enjoying their vaporizers, and the stigma of nicotine and marijuana consumption seems to have become less and less apparent. If anything, vaping has been glamorized in a similar way that cigarettes were glamorized in the ’70s and ’80s. It wasn’t until the late nineties that the media started putting out anti-smoking campaigns, the most popular slogan being “Mind if I smoke? Care if I die?“
September 9th of this year marked an important date for tobacco and vape companies: it was the deadline for the FDA required PTMA, or Premarket Tobacco Application, to be submitted. This consists of an extensive and expensive amount of requirements and research to be done for the product to pass health regulations, including a list of ingredients, samples, labels, scientific analyses, principles of operations, and chances for misuse. With each PTMA costing anywhere from $117k-446k per product, many e-cigarette companies will be forced to cease production and close their doors. Some have argued that instead of eliminating the problem, this will instead cause vape and cigarette products to be sold on the black market.

An Opportunity For Health
This creates a demand for nicotine-free alternatives, and a unique opportunity for nutraceutical companies like LUVV Labs. “Our nutraceutical product lines address common needs, like healthy weight loss and immune system support. And our LUVV Air product line enables users to inhale beneficial ingredients through a water-soluble vapor,” says co-founder Micah Harper. LUVV Labs is currently partnering with Ben Kotler and Alexander Ulvsgard of Noctem Group in an effort to expand globally. Their vitamin-infused LUVV Air formulas, all made in the U.S. and free of nicotine and THC, are aimed at reducing stress and improving mood in a natural, healthy way.
As information about alternative health and wellness options as well as ways to improve physical and mental health become more available and expansive, many people are seeking other ways to relieve stress and become adaptable to pressure. LUVV is the answer to every health junkies’ existential crisis, turning what is usually an unhealthy habit into a stimulating way to curb cravings while nurturing the body and mind.