Every now and then, there is a game that blows up and you can see everyone playing it on Youtube, Twitch, Facebook and even in person, you can hear all your friends talking about it and looking forward to finishing what they are doing so they can hop on and continue playing. But after a few months, those games are disappearing as fast as they were raised.
2020 is a little bit different from previous years due to the pandemic. You would expect games that gain popularity very quick will stay that way for a while, because people are quarantined and have nothing else to do, but that was not the case for most games. Fall Guys, which gained popularity fast and was played by literally everyone, you would expect it would still be very popular, but the games’ popularity disappeared as fast as it gained it.
To talk about the reason behind it we have Yair Dabush, one of the most known gaming YouTubers in Israel.
Downfall of Fall Guys
– The quick downfall of Fall Guys was something no one expected, me included. Especially after seeing games that gained popularity such as fast as Fall Guys, like Fortnite and PUBG that are still popular to this day and are played by many.
– Fall Guys did everything right, they had a lot of maps people could play in, and not so long after it gained popularity, they released new exciting maps the players could enjoy, so the game won’t be boring to the players. So what happened there? How did Fall Guys disappear from our eyes? The clear answer is Among Us.

– Among us is a game with 10 players, 8 of them are innocent and 2 are killers. The killers objective is to kill the players, while the innocent need to find out who the killers are and vote them off. It’s a very competitive detective game that never gets old, because every game is different. It’s not a new game though, the game was released in 2018 but suddenly gained its’ popularity mid-2020. Making it one of the most successful games of the decade. Even congress women AOC and Ilhan Omar have played the game with fellow streamers before the 2020 US elections, to promote and tell people about the importance of voting.
– As soon as Among us became popular, Fall Guys and other games have fallen off, and this is the problem with the longevity of games, as soon as a new exciting game is released, other popular games lose their players.
Here To Stay?
When will Among Us loose its popularity? Many think it will be sooner than everyone thinks. Everyday, there are new games being released. And it won’t take long before a game emerges from the ashes and gains everyones love, leaving Among Us behind.